Italy: Bombardier Transportation’s Vado Ligure site has celebrated a major milestone: the 2000th locomotive manufactured at the site.
During Family Day, Bombardier’s Vado Ligure site presented three locomotives from different eras – 1930, 1994, and 2019 – showcasing the different production techniques deployed at the site over the decades.
“Today, for the first time, we have brought together three different generations of heavy electric traction locomotives that we have produced here in Vado Ligure over the years. The earliest is the E.554.174 locomotive which we produced in 1930, next to it is the E.652.172 locomotive, part of the Mercitalia Rail fleet (MIR) which in 1994 was the site’s 1,000th locomotive built and, last but not least, we have the modern E.494.039 for MIR, our 2,000th locomotive proudly manufactured at the Vado Ligure site.”
It took the Italian site 86 years to manufacture its first 1000 locomotives. But it has only taken 25 years for the site to produce its second batch of 1000 locomotives, bringing the total to 2000 in 2019.
The E.494 locomotive for Mercitalia Rail is a Bombardier TRAXX DC3 locomotives. In addition to showcasing the finished item, Bombardier displayed other E.494 locomotives during various stages of completion.
Bombardier Transportation also displayed locomotives for private operators, which it is currently manufacturing and delivering. These were shown in their finished liveries.
Mercitalia Rail has ordered 40 locomotives from Bombardier, and private operators Captrain Italia, Compagnia Ferroviaria Italiana, Dinazzano Po, GTS Rail, LocoItalia and Railpool have also placed orders, which amount to around 25 locomotives annually.
“The Family Day 2019 celebration is not only an occasion to look back on our accomplishments, it’s also an opportunity to recognize our employees’ passion, intelligence, hard work and the entire area’s pride in the Made in Vado Ligure title.”
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