BTS Rail Saxony – The Rail Industry Cluster in Central Germany
When it comes to networking activities for small and medium-sized Saxon enterprises, BTS Rail Saxony is an expert in providing ‘high-speed connections’. With around 70 members and more than 1,000 contacts in industry, science and politics, the association is the prevalent representative of the Saxon railway industry and the largest cluster of the rail sector in Central Germany.
Cluster members benefit from the close cooperation with Research & Science (notably the Dresden University of Technology – one in a few with the label ‘elite university’ in Germany) and the intra- and cross-industry networking that supports the innovation and business development of members. Moreover, BTS supports the interests of the Saxon railway industry towards governmental institutions in order to ensure the collaboration of politics and industry.
Research, Development and Innovation:
- Innovation cluster SET4FUTURE
- Structured Innovation projects and marketing strategies
- Support and matchmaking of RDI projects in the frame of funding programmes (e .g . Shift2Rail)
- Partner of Sensorics cluster Saxony “SenSa” – Cooperational workshops (e.g. with GKZ Geo competence centre Freiberg)
Business Development:
- Participation in exclusive market exploration trips (in cooperation with the Saxony Economic Development Corporation, German Railway Industry Association, etc .)
- Exclusive access to events and contacts of twelve European partner clusters (European Railway Clusters Initiative ERCI)
- Member of the European Commission-sponsored consortium PERES “Promoting European Railway Excellence outside of the EU”
- Supporting SMEs to enter the US and Indian market
BTS Events
Personal contacts are decisive to promote collaboration. That is why networking events are an essential part of the cluster BTS. Among others, these are the BTS event highlights:
- BTS members invite– Visit the companies of our members!
- BTS VIP Lounge – Get in touch with renowned personalities of the mobility sector and politics
- BTS-summer fête– The highlight of the BTS year
- Parliamentary evening – The Get-together of industry and politics
- SET4FUTURE Academy – With united competencies from the idea to the market
- SET4FUTURE Research Factory – Work collaboratively on industry relevant research projects!