Wireless Remote Condition Monitoring Technology for the Rail Sector
Senceive design, build and support a range of wireless remote condition monitoring technology used on railway infrastructure around the world. Choose our sensors and communications platforms for proven, precise monitoring of track, structures and earthworks that is:
- Easy to install
- Virtually maintenance-free
- Delivers continuous data
– so you don’t need to visit site.
Rail engineers and operators have relied on Senceive remote monitoring technology since 2005. With thousands of sensors installed on track, earthworks and structures the robust wireless instruments deliver precise, continuous data and instant alerts in virtually all conditions.
Wireless remote condition monitoring is an IoT (Internet of things) technology built around small, robust and affordable sensors that communicate via the cellular network. They can deliver near-continuous data over a remarkably long life (10 to 15 years) with minimal maintenance.
Monitoring Track
Wireless monitoring of track movement uses precise tilt sensors and other instruments to assess changes in twist, cant and settlement to warn engineers of short term, potentially dangerous problems. It also supports cost-effective long-term asset management by targeting maintenance resources where they are most needed. Complementary sensors monitor track temperature, strain, and displacement, while geotechnical sensors such as borehole in-place-inclinometers (IPIs) and piezometers provide insight on the relationship between track and deeper ground behaviour.
Monitoring Structures
Monitor tunnels, bridges and other structures to safeguard their integrity, for example when defects have been observed or where construction activity such as tunnelling or excavation is taking place nearby. Keep track of parameters including structural movement (deformation, cracks, joints) load, ground pore water pressure and much more.
Monitoring Earthworks and Slopes
Wireless monitoring of earthworks such as cuttings and embankments provides early warning of landslides, rockfall and erosion and can automatically inform asset owners of potentially dangerous events if material encroaches on the track, or if track support is weakened, for example by flood damage. The responsive InfraGuard solution developed by Senceive and Network Rail engineers includes ground movement sensors linked to cameras so that alerts can be verified without visiting site, thus avoiding stopping trains due to false alerts and reducing the need for site visits. InfraGuard systems are in place on more than 40 kilometres of track in southern England and are being deployed on railways and other infrastructure around the world.
Typical Applications:
- Remote condition monitoring
- Structural health monitoring
- Monitoring impact of construction activity
- Track geometry
- Tunnel monitoring