Alstom has published its results for 2020–21 and provided an update on its continuing integration of Bombardier Transportation, a deal that is expected to deliver annual savings of around 400m euros (483m USD) within five years as a result of synergies and a convergence of product lines.
Alstom booked 9.1bn euros (11bn USD) of orders, including 664m euros (802m USD) for two months contribution from Bombardier Transportation, consolidating a backlog of 74.5bn euros (90bn USD). Sales reached 8.8bn euros (10.6bn USD).

Company President Henri Poupart-Lafarge described the past 12 months as “extraordinary” due to Covid-19 and the Bombardier acquisition, a deal which increased the company’s staff to 70,000 across 70 countries – 43,100 in Europe, 12,200 in the Americas, 11,500 in the Far East and 4,900 in North Africa and the Middle East.
Henri Poupart-Lafarge, Alstom President, said:We opened a new chapter in our history in 2020/21 by finalising the acquisition of Bombardier Transportation on 29 January, creating a global mobility leader committed to responding to the increasing need for greener transportation worldwide. With the integration of Bombardier Transportation fully on track, the group is starting the new fiscal year fully focused on customer satisfaction, project execution and on seizing opportunities from the strong commercial momentum supported by a worldwide push for sustainable mobility.
The last 12 months saw Alstom win a range of projects, mainly for rolling stock and services. These included a large order in Spain for 152 regional trains with RENFE for a total of 1.4bn euros (1.7bn USD) including 15 years associated maintenance for 56 trains, 200 double-deck cars for the METRA Chicago suburban system in the United States for 650m euros (786m USD), 34 regional trains in Lower Saxony, Germany, with associated 30-year maintenance for nearly 760m euros (919m USD), as well as the first order from its acquired product portfolio for Mumbai metro 4 and 4A. It also booked metro systems in Taiwan and in Toulouse in France.
Poupart-Lafarge also highlighted the importance of hydrogen-powered trains specialist Helion, which was acquired at the start of this financial year.
The company, which employs 30 employees in Aix-en-Provence, France, extends Alstom leading positioning on hydrogen trains, expertise that recently saw it awarded two flagship contracts. One in France for 12 trains of a total value of 190m euros (230m USD) and the other in Italy for a first order of six trains and eight additional options totalling roughly 160m (194m USD).
Poupart-Lafarge said the future for Alstom remained encouraging, mentioning post-Covid transport investment in the EU, US and India, most of which includes projects that will have a positive environmental impact.