The Railway-News Magazine Issue 4 2022 Data & Monitoring Edition Is Here!
For our final e-magazine of the year we’ve updated our format and broken it down into three volumes: Rolling Stock, Data & Monitoring and Track & Infrastructure.
In our Data & Monitoring issue we take a deep dive into the accessibility solution for the blind and visually impaired, Visor, in our interview with Roger Matthews and Sven Koster from GoMedia and Gabriel Lopez-Bernal from Icomera at InnoTrans.
In our Rolling Stock issue, read our feature editorial, H2goesRail – On the Way to the Hydrogen Age, in which DB’s Marc-André Sahba and Siemens Mobility’s Jochen Steinbauer provide insights into the two companies’ joint project that explores hydrogen technology for the rail sector.
Lastly, you can find our Track & Infrastructure issue here. We take a look at the Sydney Metro West project in Under Construction: Sydney Metro West.
We haven’t changed everything, however! We’ve kept our intuitive, user-friendly directory where you can find all the latest industry updates, from cyber security to hydrogen power to geotechnical solutions.
Please fill in the contact form opposite. A member of the team will be in touch shortly.