The Railway-News Magazine Issue 4 2021 Is Here!

The Railway-News Magazine Issue 4 2021 Is Here!

Welcome to issue 4 of the Railway-News magazine. In this issue we’re featuring TRAKO, which takes place in Gdansk, Poland every two years. One special event that will take place at this year’s TRAKO is that the Connecting Europe Express, one of the showcase events of the European Year of Rail, is stopping at the show. In total, the CEE will travel to 26 countries, perform 33 border crossings and travel 20,000km – showcasing how rail connects people and places but also highlighting what more needs to be done to create a truly unified railway network. In this magazine you can also read about the latest developments and products in the rail sector, arranged intuitively so you can quickly navigate to the articles that interest you the most. Our final issue of 2021 will be published on 8 November and will focus on AusRAIL Plus.


If you would like to submit an article or an advert for a future issue then please email us at [email protected].

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