The Rise of IoT and Big Data in Rail (Virtual Workshop): Optimising the IoT to Exploit Smart Asset Data to Improve Network Availability, Extend Asset Lifetime and Reduce Costs will take place on 18th February 2021.

Supported by DB Netz, SBB, ProRail, Copperleaf Technologies and Plasser & Theurer, this virtual workshop will demonstrate those Railways who have embraced the digital change, enabling them to exploit smart data to achieve rapid insights from disparate sources of information to help improve asset availability and service levels, reduce service delays due to unplanned outages, and implement smarter maintenance strategies. You can access the agenda here.

Rail experts confirmed to speak include:

Stefan Leistner, Head of Analytics & Asset Management, DB Netz AG
Dr. Roland Moser, Chief Technology Officer, SBB
Thymo van den Brug, Manager of Development, Asset Management Information, ProRail
Edward Clark, Product Specialist &Solutions Consultant, Copperleaf Technologies
Krzysztof Wilczek, Head of Track Analytics, Plasser & Theurer

Click here to register for your FREE pass.

Please Note: if you are unavailable on 18.02.21 to join The Rise of IoT and Big Data in Rail live session, feel free to register and you will be sent the link to the recorded version to view at a more convenient time.


18 Feb 2021



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