by Railway-News
9 Nov 2023
ASC Sensors
Testing and Certification
Suppliers ASC Sensors
ASC Sensors and CETEST Elevate Testing Standards in the Transport Industry
ASC sensor solutions help Spanish test and analysis center CETEST address critical measuring and testing challenges to provide unrivalled monitoring outcomes.
Our partner CETEST offers a range of important testing, engineering and monitoring services to transport and other industries. As one example, the company focuses on the critical interaction between vehicle pantographs and overhead lines (OHL), a key aspect in the validation of new rolling stock vehicles to run on existing infrastructure as well as in approving new infrastructure designs, that also impacts maintenance costs.
CETEST’s Test & Measurement Area Manager Carlos Carmuega Tena has been leading the developed of a precision instrumentation system for contact force measurements, tested at speeds exceeding 350 km/h. Our ASC 4421MF accelerometer plays a pivotal role in evaluating pantograph performance, comfort and dynamics. In addition, the ASC QF-1211 accelerometer serves as a calibration reference, ensuring superior testing accuracy.
In collaborating with CETEST, ASC’s sensor solutions have been able to successfully address electrical challenges caused by high voltages and maintained signal quality under the influence of diverse external conditions including electromagnetic interferences.
We look forward to creating further innovative solutions, as our partnership with CETEST continues to thrive.
This information was originally published by ASC Sensors.
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