The Latin American Association of Metros and Subways, ALAMYS, is an organization that promotes metro rail projects in South America, and that brings together more than 80 members.

These are grouped into two types of partners: principals (public transport operators on rails and government authorities from all Ibero-America) and adherents (suppliers of inputs and services from around the world).

Currently, and since June 2014, the General Secretariat is located in Metro de Santiago, Chile, and its General Secretary is Mr. Roland Zamora Vega, Manager of Planning and International Relations of Metro de Santiago.

ALAMYS main objective

Promote massive public transport on rails in Ibero-America, through the socialization of the considerable advantages represented by the metros, trams, light rail and railways.

Belonging to ALAMYS is an opportunity to access the technological exchange between partners, and to enrich our own projects through individual experiences, to contribute to the increase of productivity, optimization of resources, modernization of infrastructures and management methods, and the increase in the quality of service delivered to users, one of the biggest factors that condition their quality of life in large cities.


Avenida Libertador Bernardo O`Higgins 1414 Santiago de Chile

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