The National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association – the “NRC” – is a U.S. trade association that advances the mutual interests of railway contractors and suppliers who construct, maintain and supply railroads and rail-transit lines.

Founded in 1978, the NRC connects members with other railway industry professionals and government legislators and policy makers. Together we work to create a positive business climate and to make railway construction and maintenance safer and more efficient.

Although NRC members often compete against each other, our collaboration furthers the railway construction industry and benefits North American freight, transit and commuter rail lines, our member contractors and suppliers, the general public, and our own professional growth.


Our destination is zero injuries:

  • All incidents are preventable
  • Unwavering commitment to working in compliance and injury free
  • Investment in safety training, resources and recognition

The NRC is continually focused on developing resources to help railway construction and maintenance companies and their employees comply with safety requirements and work accident and injury free. The resources are free to members to access on line after they log in. We provide:

  • Toolbox Talks
  • Safety Videos
  • Safety Publications

Our priority regulations and best practices are as follows:

  • FRA Part 243 Minimum Training Standards – FRA Part 243 requires each railroad or contractor that employs one or more safety-related railroad employee must develop and submit a training program to FRA for approval and to designate the minimum training qualifications for each occupational category of employee.
  • FRA Part 219 Drug & Alcohol Testing – This regulation covers federal drug and alcohol testing requirements for regulated railroad employees and contractors.
  • Contractor Safety Guidelines – Safety practices and considerations may differ from property to property. Review the specific guidelines where you perform work.

NRC Advocacy

A strong rail transportation network is the foundation for a strong economy.

  • Member companies generate more than 100,000 jobs
  • Supply, build and maintain freight, public transit and industrial rail networks
  • Advocate for a robust railway system

The railway construction and maintenance industry keeps the U.S. economy moving ahead by facilitating the safe, reliable and efficient transportation of goods and people by rail.

  • To encourage investment in U.S. railway infrastructure and related job growth, the NRC advocates on the federal, state and local levels on behalf of our more than 400 member contractors and suppliers.
  • The NRC informs members through ongoing updates on federal and state transportation infrastructure spending and regulatory issues and coordinates participation on pending legislation and policies.
  • The NRC also facilitates participation in Railroad Day on Capitol Hill and regional grassroots initiatives with access to legislators, policy makers and other railway decision makers to promote a strong industry.

Here are the NRC legislative and policy priorities for 2020:

  • Short Line Tax Credit – The Short Line Tax credit was first enacted by Congress in 2005. The credit, also known by its tax line item reference, 45G, has allowed short lines to privately invest over $4B since its inception. The credit has been extended by overwhelmingly bi-partisan votes on five occasions and expired in 2017. The NRC supports making the short line tax credit permanent through the Building Rail Access for Customers and the Economy Act of 2019 (BRACE) Act, which would permanently extend the 45G tax credit for railroad track maintenance. The extension applies to short lines’ expenditures that are paid or incurred during tax years beginning after 2017. The tax credit was extended for five years in late 2019. It is now extended retroactively to 2018 through 2022.
  • Balanced Freight Rail Regulatory Framework – The NRC supports maintaining the market-based regulatory framework for freight railroads overseen by the Surface Transportation Board (STB). This balanced approach protects rail customers by providing an approach to address services concerns while allowing freight railroads to manage their assets and pricing without overt government intervention.
  • Truck Size and Weight Limits – The NRC supports maintaining existing federal truck size and weight maximums to help control damage trucks cause to our highway infrastructure.
  • Increased Investment in Infrastructure – A strong rail infrastructure is critical to the vitality of our nation’s economy. The NRC supports increasing federal budget allocations for domestic discretionary transportation infrastructure investments, which will help stimulate additional infrastructure investment by states, localities and private sector partners.
  • THUD Appropriations Accounts for Rail Infrastructure Investment – The annual appropriations for the Department of Transportation (DOT) are combined with those for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) appropriations bill. The NRC supports THUD Appropriations accounts that provides for rail infrastructure investment to improve rail safety, efficiency and reliability, including FRA and Intercity Passenger Rail, FTA New Starts, and the BUILD transportation discretionary grant program.


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