The National Association of Railway Business Women (NARBW) stimulates interest and cooperation within the railroad industry and its affiliates. We celebrate fellowship and participate in charitable projects.
- to stimulate interest in the railroad industry;
- to foster cooperation and better understanding within the industry and its affiliates;
- to create good public relations for the railroad industry;
- to further educational, social and professional interests of its members;
- to undertake charitable, benevolent and social welfare projects.
Today, our organization is comprised of over 400 members and 16 chapters nationwide. Women who do not live close to a chapter are encouraged to become “Members – at – Large.”
Why Join NARBW?
The purpose of the National Association of Railway Business Women (NARBW) is to stimulate loyalty and interest and foster cooperation and a better understanding within the railroad industry and its affiliates; create good public relations for the railroad industry; and undertake charitable, benevolent and social welfare projects.
- I am a part of something that provides me with a sense of camaraderie.
- I am a part of a group of women that share a common bond with me.
- I am a part of an association that contributes to the community.
- I am a part of an organization that has traditions and values.
NARBW Scholarship Program
At the National Convention in Baltimore, MD in 1977, the National Board recommended to the convention body that a scholarship program be offered to members and their relatives. The motion was seconded and carried. The first $1000 scholarship was awarded in May 1978 to a member of the Springfield, MO chapter. Only one scholarship was awarded at the time and recipients were required to use the scholarship for transportation related studies.
In 1982 we began awarding two (2) $1000 scholarships annually. In 1985, the program was changed to include any field of study. A total of four (4) $1500 scholarships were awarded that year. In 1989 – 1990 it was decided to open the program not only to members and their dependents, but to any relative of a member. A total of 11 scholarships were awarded in 1990: five (5) for $1000 and six (6) for $500. The scholarship program continues to grow thanks to the donations of the many dedicated members of NARBW.
As of the close of the 76th National Convention in May 2020, NARBW Scholarships have been awarded to 330 students, totaling $386,070 in financial aid since the program’s inception in 1978. The Scholarship Program is an extremely important asset to our association.
Every NARBW member should be very proud of our contributions, both monetarily and academically, to our professional leaders of tomorrow.