The Korea Rolling Stock Industries Association (KORSIA, inaugurated in November 1996) is an active organisation operating in Korea.

It is the only rolling stock industry association which is under the authority of Ministry of Commerce and Energy Industry of the Republic of Korea.

Members of the KORSIA include rolling stock manufacturers, components suppliers and traction & control equipment suppliers.

The KORSIA promotes the progress and development of the rolling stock industry and plays a significant role for its members.

Today, the KORSIA plays an important role in the establishment of the rail industry policies of the Korean Government and is a representative association of the rolling stock industry.

KORSIA Objectives

  • Promoting the process and development of the rolling stock industry
  • Cooperating with, planning and carrying out rail industry policies of the Korean Government
  • Encouraging cooperative spirit and ensuring members benefit

Main Business

  • Information service – rail market information (home & abroad), developments in rail technology, information on foreign rail companies, governments and organizations
  • International Cooperation – promoting cooperation with worldwide rolling stock organizations, international meetings, dispatching delegations, training missions and international exhibitions, via joint ventures on developing components suppliers, participations in oversea exhibitions, dispatching delegations in various overseas companies
  • Research and study of rolling stock – development of unique programs for components, analysis of rail markets, strategy and research for suppliers and organizations on the rise
  • Statistics – research in various statistics of the industry in Korea and around the world
  • Training program – education and training of new technologies, participation in overseas training programs
  • Consulting – rail market analysis, comprehensive evaluation of members, market research and marketing strategy


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