by Railway-News
27 Apr 2022
Real-Time Monitoring
Track Maintenance
Suppliers Yeltech Ltd
We Keep Trains Running during the Hot Temperatures of Summer
Rails in direct sunshine can be as much as 20°C hotter than the air temperature. Because rails are made from steel, they expand as they get hotter, and can start to curve – known as ‘buckling’ – which can result in train delays and accidents. Monitoring rail temperature is very important for determining the safe running speed of trains, minimise delays and prevent buckling.
Minimizing the threat of disruption to passengers, and increasing safety is a key requirement, and the Yeltech Rail Temperature Monitor (RTM) provides an innovative solution to this critical need. We are proud to introduce the Network Rail approved Yeltech RTM V3. The Yeltech RTM V3 is designed to measure rail temperature, and using Yeltech’s patented technologies, utilizes remote monitoring systems to alert any nominated person when a critical rail temperature (CRT) is reached – reducing the threat of delays or disruption.
The RTM V3 provides Permanent Way Managers, Railway Managers & Track Engineers with constantly updated rail temperature data allowing them to anticipate potential failures, avoid unnecessary speed restrictions and minimise the time spent working on or near the train line. The RTM V3 is a sustainable cable-free, compact, self-contained, mobile, battery-operated monitoring device for the reporting of rail temperatures. Temperature readings are reported remotely by SMS text message or by email. The RTM V3 comes with our own internet-based reporting and alarm handling solution and management information system (YelCloud).
Find out more about our RTMU v3 here.
This article was originally published by Yeltech Ltd.
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