Discover Yeltech’s IPHT (Intelligent Points Heating Transformer)

In the cold weather, points can freeze and fail to operate with dramatic consequences.

Heating the points to mitigate the risks of freeze, cracking and frost damage will dramatically increase regional line costs.

An infographic for Yeltech's Intelligent Points Heating Transformer
Using our smart technology, the IPHT can accurately monitor and heat switch points individually

The IPHT has been designed to either be retro-fitted to existing Points Heating Sites or for new installations to reduce the installation costs (on new sites) as well as the power required to operate a points heating site. With the IPHT there is no need for a new control cubicle as all the controls and communications are taken care of by the IPHT.

This will offer significant budget savings in both installation and power rates which, are usually charged to individual zones. Nothing on the main system will be affected or will need to be modified; all that is necessary is to attach the smart box to the transformer and connect one of the main cables from the transformer to the smart box.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Energy saving of up to 50% over standard PH installation
  • Extremely accurate temperature control at each point end, within +/- o.5c
  • Small and efficient outlet box: can be retrofitted to existing Points Heating sites
  • Longer life span for heating elements due to less stress on the electric elements
  • No additional cables or electrics needed; has 1 simple connection from transformer to IPHT smart box
  • Smart heating control of each individual points end

Do you want to find out more? Get in touch with Yeltech’s expert team today!
[email protected]
+44 (0) 845 052 3860

This content was originally published by Yeltech Ltd.

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