by Railway-News
25 May 2022
Rail Maintenance
Rail Safety
Warning System
Suppliers Yeltech Ltd
We Keep Track Engineers Safe When Performing Rail Maintenance
Enforcing speed restrictions is required due to multiple reasons:
Predict and Prevent with Our Solution
Minimizing the threat of accidents and disruption to rail services and passengers, and increasing safety is a key requirement, and the smart Yeltech Emergency Warning Board (EWB) provides an innovative solution to this critical need. We are proud to introduce the Network Rail approved Yeltech Emergency Warning Board. The Yeltech Emergency Warning Board is designed to alert passing trains that a speed restriction is in place, and using Yeltech’s patented technologies, utilizes remote monitoring systems to alert any nominated person when the battery is low, the board has fallen over or is about to (is inclined at a 45degrees), or the lights are out – reducing the threat of delays or disruption.
Find out more about our Emergency Warning Board here.
This article was originally published by Yeltech Ltd.
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