Rail Forum Europe (RFE) is the Members of the European Parliament’s association dedicated to rail transport. Created in 2011, the Association aims to facilitate the establishment or strengthening of professional and personal ties between its members in full compliance with European and National Law, as well as to foster the co-operation with various scientific, technical, economic, industrial and professional groups and organisations – whose activities affect the various issues that arise in the field of rail transport.
In order to achieve its purposes, the association performs the following activities:
The Managing Board is Rail Forum Europe’s maim governing body. Composed of a limited number of Full Members, it sets out the priorities and initiatives to be taken by the association, as well as it reviews and approves all applications for Full and Associate membership. The Managing Board is composed of the President, the two Vice-President and any other MEP interested in taking an active role in deciding and determining Rail Forum Europe’s activities.
The Advisory Committee consists of a limited number of Associate Members. It assists the Managing Board in preparing its budget and determining the main lines of work undertaken by the Rail Forum Europe – including, notably, the programme of events/activities –, as well as in assessing the applications for associate membership. The RFE Advisory Committee for the European Parliament’s legislative term 2019-2024 is made of the Associate Members indicated below. The current Chair of the RFE Advisory Committee is Alstom (until March 2021).
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