Train Washing Solutions for Your Vehicle Wash Business
Otto Christ AG has been one of the leading manufacturers of vehicle-washing systems in Europe since 1963. Every day, we ask ourselves how we can perfect the vehicle washer. The result is a demand for maximum quality, tailored technical solutions, customer-friendly usability, sustainability and low energy consumption.
Innovation is Our Passion
We create washing experiences that are developed by people for people to make your vehicle wash business successful and, at the same time, to use valuable resources gently. We create systems with details that turn the washing process into an experience. The needs of our customers and end users are our highest inspiration. We consider the conservation of natural resources at every step of our product development. Our services ensure customer satisfaction and the longevity of our products.
Thanks to the comprehensive and modern portfolio of roll over wash units, wash tunnels, self-service wash and vacuum systems, accessories and vehicle-washing chemicals, as well as truck/bus wash systems and special systems for rail technology (tram and train wash systems), customers worldwide benefit from obtaining suitable solutions from a single source.
With high-end washing technology, Christ wants to make the washing business simple and profitable and turn vehicle washing into an experience.
Train Wash Systems
The C1000 SOA train wash system is designed as a stationary passage wash system for trains with no length limitation, and it can be configured with or without a current collector. During the washing process, the side surfaces are cleaned, and optionally, at an additional cost, the roof slopes can also be washed using additional brushes. Depending on the train’s passage speed, the system is equipped with the appropriate number of brush pairs to apply washing chemicals and remove dissolved dirt. The washing process concludes with free-standing spray and rinsing stands.
Flexible Wash Concept
The C5400 SOA train wash system enables semi-stationary or overrun washing for trains without a current collector. In this system, the train positions itself before or after the front/rear wash, then moves past the self-propelled wash system for lateral washing. An optional feature also allows for horizontal washing.