Latest Brazil News
Brazil: Alstom Unveils Design of São Paulo Metro Line 6-Orange Trains
Alstom and Linha Universidade (LinhaUni) have revealed the design for the São Paulo Metro's Line 6-Orange trains.
Alstom Delivers First Metropolis Train for São Paulo Lines 8 and 9
Alstom has delivered the first 8900 series train to ViaMobilidade for use on the 8-Diamante and 9-Esmeralda lines in São Paulo, Brazil.
Alstom Opens Expanded Rolling Stock Plant in São Paulo
Alstom has opened an expanded rolling stock plant in Taubaté, São Paulo, strengthening the company's presence in Brazil.
Brazil: Alstom Begins Production of Metropolis Trains for São Paulo Lines 8 and 9
Alstom has started production of Metropolis trains for operation on Lines 8 – Diamond and 9 – Emerald in São Paulo, Brazil.
São Paulo’s Metro Line 4 Begins Operating with Siemens Mobility Digital CBTC Technology
São Paulo’s Metro Line 4 has begun full operation using Siemens Mobility’s digital communications-based train control (CBTC) signalling.
Alstom Awarded Rio de Janeiro Tramway Expansion Contract
Alstom has won the contract to expand Rio de Janeiro’s VLT system. This will offer an integrated terminal connection to a new BRT system.
Siemens Mobility Awarded São Paulo Metro Signalling and Electrification Contracts
Siemens Mobility has been chosen to upgrade and modernise São Paulo’s metro network, helping enhance operations and improve sustainability.
Alstom to Modernise São Paulo Factory
Alstom is investing €14m to modernise its Taubaté factory in Brazil following the signing of multiple national and international contracts.
Brazil: Alstom Opens New Production Line at Taubaté Factory
Alstom has opened a new production line at its factory in Taubaté, Brazil. The line will principally manufacture stainless steel car-shells …
CRRC Signs First Metro Train Contract in Sao Paulo
On September 1st 2017, CRRC Sifang Co., Ltd signed a contract for eight eight-car metro trains (64 cars) with Sao Paulo Metro Railway Compan…
Brazil: Salvador Metro Line 2 Opens
Less than two years after the work order that authorised the beginning of the works, Salvador Metro Line 2 received its first passengers. On…
First Alstom Citadis Tram Delivered to Rio de Janeiro
ABB to Power Expansion of Urban Rail Network in Brazil
Alstom Transport to Open a New Tramway Manufacturing Line in Brazil