Eurotunnel: The Channel Tunnel goes fully digital with GSM-R
On 29 September 2016, Eurotunnel inaugurated the new Channel Tunnel track to train communications network, GSM-R (Global System for Mobile Communications-Railway).
A project on a truly European scale, with the support of French, British, German and Swiss partners, the installation of GSM-R through the Tunnel is the fruit of substantial cooperation between rail and telecommunications operators. Nokia, in charge of the end to end integration of the GSM-R system and the transmission network, is also responsible for the supervision and maintenance of the communications network inside the Tunnel; Siemens supplied and installed the cab radio and driver interface equipment in the Eurotunnel locomotives and SNCF Réseau shared equipment central to the core of its own GSM-R network.
Michel Boudoussier, Chief Operating Officer for the Concession stated:
“The inauguration of GSM- R in the Tunnel and on the terminals is the final stage of a 6 year project but also the start of a new era for Eurotunnel, in terms both of railway safety and customer service. With GSM-R, Eurotunnel paves the way for the development of European railway traffic”.
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