Paul Plummer, Chief Executive of the Rail Delivery Group, will now formally open Railtex 2017 at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham on 9 May.
He has kindly agreed to take on this role following the withdrawal of Rail Minister Paul Maynard MP due to the recent announcement of a June general election. Parliamentary protocol restricts the activities of ministers and civil servants during the pre-election ‘purdah’ period.
Rail Delivery Group
Established in response to the 2011 McNulty Report, the RDG provides leadership by focusing on industry-wide issues, including contributing to a strategy and long-term vision for the railway. It is tasked with informing key choices facing government and the industry’s development of plans in response to government output specifications. Integration within the RDG of the functions of the former Association of Train Operating Companies was completed in October 2016
CEO Paul Plummer
Paul Plummer took up his role as Chief Executive of the RDG in November 2015. He began working in the railway sector in 1999 as Chief Economist and Director of Economics and Finance at the Office of Rail Regulation (now the Office of Rail & Road). He joined Network Rail in 2002, and in 2008 he was appointed to the Network Rail Board as an Executive Director and Group Strategy Director at Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd. In 2011 he became one of two Network Rail members of the RDG.
After opening Railtex, Paul Plummer will deliver a keynote speech. He will then undertake a tour of the exhibition accompanied by Darren Caplan, Chief Executive of the Railway Industry Association, and Stephen Brooks, Chairman of the Mack Brooks Group, organisers of the event.
Exhibition Manager Kirsten Whitehouse says:
“We are very pleased that Paul Plummer has agreed to open this year’s show at short notice. The Rail Development Group plays a pivotal role in the future development of the rail industry and we are confident that those attending Railtex will be very keen to hear what he has to say.”
By mid-April the number of companies exhibiting at Railtex 2017, which takes place in Halls 3 and 3a at the NEC from 9 to 11 May, stood at 476.
Original article © Railtex.