Company SENSIT s.r.o. has its own metrology and calibration laboratory in which we are able to calibrate temperature sensors within the range of -40 °C to 600 °C.
Our gauges are directly linked to the CMI (Czech Metrology Institute) standards.

What can we offer to you?
- Calibration of resistor temperature sensors (including current and voltage converter)
- Calibration of K and J type thermoelectric temperature sensors (thermocouples)
- Calibration of temperature-current and temperature-voltage converters by electronic simulation of a resistance sensor
- Calibration of electronic direct indicating thermometers
- We also calibrate sensors from other manufacturers
Since 2001, the Authorized Metrology Centre authorized by the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing (COSMT) for verification of established gauges with official mark K72, Ref. No. 2828/06/02, of 8 November 2006, has been a part of SENSIT s.r.o.
If you have any questions, we are here for you.
This article was originally published by SENSIT s.r.o.