United Wagon Company (UWC) has announced that Russian commodities producer UMMC (Ural Mining Metallurgical Company) has awarded it a tender for the supply of tank cars. UMMC wants to use these tank cars to transport sulphuric acid. The tank car tender is for a total of 73 UWC vehicles. United Wagon Company will hand them over to three of the commodities producer’s subsidiaries at the end of January 2019. These production subsidiaries are: Sredneuralsk Copper Smelter, Mednogorsk Copper and Sulfur Plant, and Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant.

Tank Car Tender Details
United Wagon Company is to deliver 30 tank cars, model 15-9545, to Mednogorsk Copper and Sulfur Plant, 26 tank cars to Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant and 17 tank cars to Sredneuralsk Copper Smelter. This model has been in UWC’s range since 2015. This is the second time UWC is supplying tank cars for sulphuric acid to UMMC. When this tender is fulfilled UMMC will have a fleet of more than 100 UWC tank cars.
Tank Car Specs
Looking at technical and commercial aspects, United Wagon says its tank cars compare favourably to other version on the market. It says the maintenance costs over the course of the vehicle’s life-cycle are reduced and that there will be tariff savings for empty mileage per tonne of cargo. In addition, these tank cars have a better payload capacity and a greater loading capacity than other models. United Wagon Company says these improvements are down to the strengthened bogies and enlarged tank volume.
These Tikhvin tank cars can operate for a million kilometres (approx. 8 years) before they need to have their first depot overhaul. Many cars currently in operation need to be overhauled every 210,000 kilometres (after 2 years). UWC says it estimates its tank cars to have a service life of 18 years.
These tank cars are popular on the Russian market. Earlier this year United Wagon Company won a contract to supply 50 of the 15-9545 tank cars to a Russian copper company.