Latest Moscow News
Russia: Driverless Trams to Arrive in Moscow Within a Year
Moscow for Transport has announced it aims to begin testing driverless trams in Moscow at the end of the year or into early 2023.
D3 Forecast to Tempt Over Six Million Passengers Out of Their Cars in First Year of Operation
During its first year of operation, it's predicted that 6.6 million people will choose to travel on the MCD D3 line rather than by car.
Moscow Central Circle Takes Step Closer to Introducing Unmanned Trains
Russian Railways plans to introduce unmanned trains in Moscow and is testing an ATO system on its high-speed electric train Lastochka.
Russia’s New High-Speed Line Will Connect to Moscow Central Diameter
Russia’s new high speed railway (HSR) line, linking Moscow and Saint Petersburg, will connect to the Moscow Central Diameter – D3.
Moscow Central Diameters’ Third Line Set to Bring Benefits to Region’s Residents and Businesses
The MCD-3 is expected to raise the value of real estate in the district of Zelenograd by 15% and lower passengers’ travel costs by 82%.
Russia's Busiest Airport to Get New Railway Line
Russia's busiest airport, Sheremetyevo Airport, is to get a new railway line to the Northern Terminal Complex, to be completed in 2022.
EP20 Locomotives Run for the Olympics