Sinara Transport Machines Holding (STM) has entered the rail infrastructure services market with the establishment of a new railway infrastructure division.

Vitaly Votolevsky, STM’s Deputy General Director, has been appointed Director of the new division.
Services will begin for customers including Russian Railways next year. These will be provided using equipment produced by the Sinara Group. When this is not possible, the division will lease equipment elsewhere.
Currently, Sinara is considering developing and producing its own high-performance track machines and is also looking into the possibility of collaborating with overseas track equipment manufacturers.
It is further considering partnerships with organisations including the Research Institute of Railway Transport (VNIIZhT), the Russian University of Transport (MIIT) and the Research and Design Institute for Information Technology, Signalling and Telecommunications in Railway Transportation (NIIAS).
Vitaly Votolevsky, STM’s Deputy General Director and now Director of STM’s newly created railway infrastructure division, said:In the near future we will determine the list of those infrastructure services which we’ll offer both to the national carrier and to industrial enterprises.
But we can already say that we are interested in providing services for running maintenance and various types of track repair as well as in construction of new infrastructure. It’s our plan to actively develop our competencies in (areas including but not limited to) welding, grinding and milling of rails.