DB Engineering & Consulting has won the tender for the construction of the Bad Kleinen ‘connecting curve’, part of the line upgrade between Lübeck and Schwerin in northern Germany.
The 63km route from Lübeck to Bad Kleinen is currently a single-track, non-electrified main line with a maximum line speed of 120km/h. Operations between Lübeck and Schwerin can currently only be run with time-consuming reversing in Bad Kleinen, making it inadequate for handling interregional freight.
The line is therefore being electrified, and a connecting curve is being built near Bad Kleinen for transport between Lübeck and Schwerin. In addition, the signalling is being renewed, including the implementation of digital signalling at Bobitz station and the Gallentin junction near Bad Kleinen.
DB Engineering & Consulting was commissioned by DB Netz, the infrastructure arm of Deutsche Bahn, to carry out a range of services, including the final design and planning for the building permit application for the transport facilities and stations, as well as the road planning. The company was also tasked with facility and supporting structure planning for engineering structures and rail engineering equipment.
As a result of the upgrade, national and international long-distance transport will be able to expand its offer as it will be possible to route some of the traffic from Scandinavia to the German and European hinterland via less frequented routes, bypassing the Hamburg rail hub. This will create an important additional feeder line to the so-called eastern corridor.
The upgrade of the line between Lübeck and Bad Kleinen will for the first time provide a practicable alternative for bypassing the Hamburg hub for interregional rail freight transport and long-distance rail passenger transport.
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