Latest intreXis AG News
New 19" Rack-Mount DC/DC Converter
intreXis is launching two 19" rack-mount DC/DC Converters, specifically designed for railway applications.
Made for Rail – the New 60 Watt USB-C Charger
intreXis AG's new USB-C Charger offers the full power for passengers and engine drivers.
Xtra High Power Density – the New 1000 Watt DC/DC Converter
intreXis AG's new flagship DC/DC Converter is a masterpiece of engineering that is incredibly impressive in terms of device design, function…
intreXis: USB-C Charger
USB-C Chargers from intreXis have been specifically developed for rail vehicles and are customisable in terms of material, shape and colour.
intreXis: AC/DC Converter
intreXis presents its new AC/DC Converter for a wide range of rail applications, which will be showcased at InnoTrans in Berlin.
intreXis: Immediate Delivery – Best Stock Availability
intreXis guarantees a comprehensive inventory of stock at all times and is committed to fast delivery for customers.
IntreXis at the InnoTrans
Find intreXis in Hall 17, Booth 165 at this year's InnoTrans show in Berlin.
Field-Proven Technology – intreXis Flat-Battery Start Units
intreXis offers two mature series DC/DC converters with a proven track record in many projects around the world.
Experts in Custom Power Supplies
intreXis utilises its world-class power design capabilities to provide solutions specific to your requirements, giving you the optimal power…
intreXis – Pioneer in Ultra-Wide Input Voltage Range
intreXis offers a full range from 30-, 50-, 150-, 300- to 500-watt devices with an ultra-wide input voltage range.
intreXis Converters For Every Application
The successful 500 watt DC/DC converter series IC30x from intreXis is, without a doubt, the reference in this power class.
Conformal Coating Expertise for Rolling Stock – Power Supplies
intreXis uses a selective coating method whereby a fully automated coating robot applies the protective coating as a thin layer of film.
Power Modules vs. Complete Power Supply Units
intreXis AG's new white paper, 'Power Modules vs. Complete Power Supply Units', discusses time to market, costs, size constraints & more.
IC25X 30-Watt-Series
The new, ultra-flat 30 Watt DC/DC converters from intreXis AG are the perfect solution for applications in confined spaces.
IntreXis' new DC/DC converter is optimised for an output power of 100 Watt and impresses with its very high efficiency.