Latest Deutschland-Takt News
Infrastructure and AI: We Are Still a Heavy Metal Industry
Despite all the modernisation brought about by AI, the rail industry is still a heavy metal industry and it is only on top of that that digi…
Germany to Invest 12.7 Billion Euros in Its Rail Network in 2021
Deutsche Bahn, the federal government and the state governments will invest a total of 12.7 billion euros in Germany's rail network in 2021.
Germany Hosts Rail Summit | Focus on Digitalisation
The German Ministry for Transport has held a rail summit focusing on digitalisation and the Deutschland-Takt timetable.
Improve Berlin-Amsterdam Link Say Transport Ministries
The German and Dutch tranport ministries have voiced their support for improvements to be made to the Amsterdam-Berlin rail link.
Allianz pro Schiene Criticises Rail Provisions in German 2019 Budget
The German organisation that works towards increasing rail's market share, both for passenger and for freight transport, Allianz pro Schiene…
German Transport Minister Launches Additional Rail Projects
The German transport minister Andreas Scheuer has presented many new rail projects that are to be given priority in planning and implementat…
Germany Launches New Alliance with Business to Promote Rail
The German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure has announced that the "Zukunftsbündnis Schiene" - the partnership betwe…