Stadler has signed a contract with European Loc Pool for ten six-axle hybrid locomotives. European Loc Pool (ELP) intends to expand its fleet and consolidate its leading position as lessor of hybrid locomotives.

Stadler Euro Dual Hybrid Locomotive
Euro Dual Hybrid Locomotive © Stadler

The contract between Stadler and the European Loc Pool comprises the construction and delivery of ten Co’Co’ hybrid locomotives. Specifically, this order is part of a framework contract that covers 100 locomotives. Although the ELP is able to order additional locomotives, the framework contract does not provide a minimum order quantity. Iñigo Parra, CEO of Stadler Valencia, and Willem Goosen, CEO of the European Loc Pool, were the signing parties.

Stadler Hybrid Locomotive Specifications

The six-axle Co’Co’ locomotives – which have two bogies comprising six wheels each – have a performance of 2.8 MW in diesel operation and up to 6.15 MW when drawing electricity from overhead lines. A single Co’Co’ locomotive replaces configurations of two Bo’Bo’ (four-axle) locomotives pulling the same weight on many EU freight corridors. The new innovative bogie technology reduces wear and tear on the infrastructure, resulting in lower track usage costs. The hybrid locomotives can run on both electrified and non-electrified lines. Importantly, it is possible to switch from diesel power to electric power while in operation.

The hybrid locomotives will have the German configuration (15kV + 25kV AC and 1 x 2.8 MW diesel engine). Furthermore, they will feature ETCS and radio remote control.

Iñigo Parra said:

“We are proud that ELP has selected us as the manufacturer of the new hybrid locomotives. This order underscores Stadler’s commitment to environmentally-friendly and energy-efficient transport services on European freight corridors.”


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