Repair Washouts & Track Issues Quickly with GEOWEB® Geocells

Railroad companies have had to contend with every type of extreme weather event or geohazard imaginable—the most frequent being flooding.

These major storms cost the railroad industry billions of dollars in maintenance and repairs. With the relative frequency of such events increasing, many railroad operators are taking proactive approaches to mitigate future risks. For steep embankments or railroad right-of-ways (ROW) that are adjacent to steep slopes, a suitable slope protection strategy can help alleviate geotechnical risks, particularly where such slopes may be susceptible to excessive erosion or landslides.

Traditional reinforcement and erosion protection systems aren’t designed to stand up to these severe conditions—the GEOWEB® Soil Stabilisation System is!

To keep embankment materials confined and stable to prevent erosion, slides, and washouts from heavy rain events, railroad owners have relied on the GEOWEB® Soil Stabilisation System for over 40 years. The GEOWEB system stabilises embankments prone to slides from saturated or unstable soils by infilling the cells with a desired infill—vegetation, aggregate, or concrete. The GEOWEB Geocell system is fast to deploy—which means less down time—and creates a stable, low maintenance surface.

GEOWEB Geocell Repair Examples

Washout Repair: Right-of-way draining channel repair. GEOWEB sections are installed quickly in tiers and may utilise local infill. Vegetated fascia is attractive and eco-friendly.

Presto Geosystems Washout Repair Process
Right-of-way draining channel repair

Eroded Shoreline Repair: Track derailment repair. GEOWEB System created a stable platform and tiered retaining wall to stabilise the right-of-way embankment.

Presto Geosystems - Eroded Shoreline Repair
Track derailment repair

Slide Repair: Track right-of-way repair. The GEOWEB system stabilises embankments prone to slides from saturated or unstable soils. Aggregate infill allows drainage and minimises maintenance.

Presto Geosystems - Slide Repair
Track right-of-way repair

Contact Presto Geosystems to discuss a GEOWEB Geocell “Railroad Emergency Repair Kit”.

This article was originally published by Presto Geosystems.

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