GRK Eesti and GRK Suomi have been awarded the Ülemiste railway infrastructure tender by Rail Baltic Estonia.
This entails demolishing 16 kilometres of track and replacing it with more than 8km of 1520mm gauge railway in order to make room for the Rail Baltica 1435mm gauge railway.
The project will also include the reconstruction of utility networks crossing the railway and the Kantis viaduct.

GRK was chosen over fellow tender participants GoTrack and Allspark and Leonhard Weiss due to its competitive offer of 2.7 billion EUR (2.9bn USD).
This, according to Rail Baltic Estonia’s CEO, will provide considerable savings in the first development phase of the Ülemiste joint terminal.
Anvar Salomets, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Rail Baltic Estonia, said:Although the contract signing might still take some time, we’re happy to announce GRK as the winning bidder for the first construction tender of the Rail Baltica Ülemiste joint terminal.
Without a doubt, it is a company with a strong railway competence, which has just won one of the largest railway works tenders in Estonia in recent decades and is the contract partner of Estonian Railways for the electrification of the Tallinn-Tartu railway.
The tender for the second stage of the construction of the Ülemiste joint terminal is currently underway, having been announced last month.
This covers the construction of the railway support structures, including the underground floor of the future Rail Baltica international passenger terminal ‘Linda,’ in addition to other related railway facilities.
This construction will take place between the demolition of the existing railway infrastructure and the construction of the new railways, requiring close cooperation from the infrastructure contractor and the terminal construction contractor.