Railway Power Lines · Cables


Power Lines and Cables will allow for the current/power to get from one place to another, these will either be above or beside the rail line. This page contains all the latest information, news, videos, images and articles on all aspects of Railway Power Lines and Cables. You will also find a list of Railway Power Lines and Cables suppliers from around the world.



New ‘ClickFit’ Brackets Aid Tricky Cable Troughing Installation

New ‘ClickFit’ Brackets Aid Tricky Cable Troughing Installation

CCS' ‘ClickFit’ brackets were used to successfully attach its ARCOSYSTEM® elevated cable troughing near Sigmaringen, Germany.

Flexible Elevated Cable Troughing Is Just the Job in Sussex

Flexible Elevated Cable Troughing Is Just the Job in Sussex

ARCOSYSTEM® elevated cable troughing from CCS was successfully installed in the south east of England.

Laying Rail Cabling down the Sharp Slopes of the Black Forest

Laying Rail Cabling down the Sharp Slopes of the Black Forest

CCS' ARCOSYSTEM® was recently put to the test when it was fitted down a steep incline within the dramatic setting of the Black Forest.

Viper Innovations Achieves Milestone with MBO

Viper Innovations Achieves Milestone with MBO

Viper Innovations has announced a change in ownership through a management buyout, which was completed on 15 July 2024.

GSF RailInfra Looks Back on Its First German Symposium

GSF RailInfra Looks Back on Its First German Symposium

GSF RailInfra GmbH (GSF) and its partner Rail Power Systems GmbH (RPS) hosted a two-day seminar for the German rail market.

CableGuardian for Safety & Efficiency of Lineside Power Supplies

CableGuardian for Safety & Efficiency of Lineside Power Suppl...

CableGuardian's insights into the condition of lineside cables and transformers allow engineers to predict renewal much more efficiently.

New Project Highlights ARCO’s Versatile Installation Options

New Project Highlights ARCO’s Versatile Installation Options

There's a wide range of installation options available for fitting the ARCOSYSTEM® cable containment system beside railway tracks.

ARCOSYSTEM®’s Major Role in Transpennine Route Upgrade

ARCOSYSTEM®’s Major Role in Transpennine Route Upgrade

CCS' ARCOSYSTEM® cable troughing is proving to be a reliable and cost-effective choice for the major Transpennine Route Upgrade (TRU).



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