At Sifer 2021, Klas will showcase its latest connectivity options for rail operators, from 5G mobile connectivity with 10 Gigabit Ethernet networks on trains to enhanced LTE options that increase the available mobile bandwidth for both operations and passenger services.
Klas, a global leader in edge intelligence solutions, announced new functionality in its connectivity modules for its TRX Connected Transportation Platform: a combined hardware and software approach to transportation connectivity.The TRX R6 is a compute connectivity gateway that supports multiple backhaul options such as Wi-Fi, LTE, and now 5G. With the latest modem offerings and compute power, rail operators can easily deploy digital transformation technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence onboard trains with seamless and low latency connectivity to the cloud or to their network operation centres.The TRX R6 is underpinned by KlasOS Keel, a lightweight operating system featuring a virtualisation platform for the ease of running onboard software without additional hardware. Furthermore, Keel facilitates the management of data transmission over multiple mobile networks, which now includes 5G, all within a single solution.
“A significant advantage of the Klas approach is that train operators gain the necessary control to manage mobile network and Wi-Fi usage.
“TRX provides train operators with automated prioritisation of the mobile network selection based on the performance of the mobile network operator’s coverage in a given location, for improved connected passenger experiences.”
New hardware modules include:
Furthermore, at SIFER 2021, Klas will showcase Blackrock. Blackrock provides a single user interface to train operators and IT teams that consolidate automation, management, and visibility into the performance status of software and systems onboard. There is a significant IT saving for rail operators by ensuring remote deployments on trains remain secure and continue to operate as intended — ultimately reducing the time IT experts need to spend boarding trains.
For more information on TRX and Klas edge intelligence solutions, click here.
This article was originally published by Klas.
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