Fourteen carriages of the Indore-Patna Express derailed just after 03:00 local time on Sunday 20th November, near the city of Kanpur. The death toll following the India train crash in the northern Uttar Pradesh state has reached over 100, with more than 150 injured, as reported by the BBC News.
The cause of the fatal crash is not yet known, however, according to the Times of India, it is thought that a track fracture could be to blame for the derailment.

The death toll steadily rose on Sunday and is expected to increase further as rescuers still try to reach the injured and recover the dead from the crumpled carriages.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi commented on Twitter:
“Anguished beyond words on the loss of lives due to the derailing of the Patna-Indore express. My thoughts are with the bereaved families”.
Railways Minister Suresh Prabhu also tweeted:
“strictest possible action will be taken against those who could be responsible for accident”.
Mr Prabhu also stated that an investigation into the crash would begin immediately and compensation will be paid.