The year 2021 marks the 10th anniversary of Frauscher China since its establishment in 2011.
This milestone represents not only a moment of celebrations of all employees together at the Frauscher China office in Beijing, but also an opportunity to look back at all achievements in the Chinese railway industry. From the first implementation of the Frauscher Axle Counting System ACS2000 at the Beijing metro until the installation of the Frauscher Advanced Counter FAdC with RSSP customised protocol at the Huangpu Tram Line 1 and Fenghuang Maglev – there have been plenty of projects to be proud of.
During the employee celebrations, we have taken the chance to talk to Ma Jin/Trevor, General Manager at Frauscher China as well as Georg Mattner, Executive Director at Frauscher China to gain further insights regarding the development of the Chinese railway industry, the growth of Frauscher China as well as the challenges and opportunities Frauscher China is facing the next years.

What Was Frauscher’s Main Motivation to Enter the Chinese Railway Market?
Trevor: China has achieved a remarkable economic development due to its reform and open-door policy as well as the accession to the WTO in 2001. Consequently, the railway sector has been growing significantly. Since 1997, the average railway speed has been increased by six times. Dozens of megacities have been developing its urban rail transit network. As a result, the market has a tremendous need for advanced railway technology to develop even further. As the global technology leader in the field of wheel sensors and axle counters, Frauscher has been perfectly capable to fulfil this growing demand.
How Is Frauscher Performing at the Chinese Railway Market?
Georg: Since entering the Chinese railway market, Frauscher has been involved in nearly 100 railway projects in China, covering high-speed rail, main line, industrial railway, and urban rail transit (including metro, light rail, tram, monorail, maglev and so forth). With our selected products and solutions, we secure safe traveling for tens of millions of people every day. Operators and industry experts are clearly satisfied with Frauscher technology and this is something to be very proud of.
Let’s Look Back at the Past, What Was the Most Impressive Moment for You in the History of Frauscher China?
Trevor: There have been many unforgettable moments, from business expansions over successfully implemented projects. However, what mostly impresses me is the countless hours we spent with our customers, partners, and experts from Frauscher Austria to better understand our customers’ requirements and continuously improve our products and services.

Why Should Chinese Railway Operators and System Integrators Put Their Trust in Frauscher China?
Trevor: As a global company with leading technology and more than 30 years of experience in axle counting, Frauscher is not only widely approved by railway operators and system integrators with regards to the reliability and safety of the products, but also for the ability to provide customised and localised services to our customers. The localised support does not only refer to domestic but also to overseas projects of our customers.
Georg: Furthermore, the long-term reliable operation of nearly 200,000 wheel sensors worldwide and nearly 20,000 wheel sensors domestically give our customers a great degree of confidence.
How Do You See the Future of the Chinese Railway Industry and What Will Be the Main Challenges and Opportunities for Frauscher China?
Trevor: I am very optimistic about the development of China’s railway and urban rail transit market. Currently, China’s high-speed railway accounts for ¾ of the total mileage globally and its urban rail transit operating mileage even ranks first in the world. Furthermore, China has a complete and technologically advanced rail transit industry chain. This leads to both, opportunities and challenges in the market. At Frauscher, our focus will be clearly on strengthening our local cooperation and offering even more innovative digital solutions to our customers to support them in the best way we can.
This article was originally published by Frauscher.