Latest Green Energy News
Deutsche Bahn Sets New Recycling Targets
Deutsche Bahn’s (DB) CEO announced new ambitious recycling targets for 2030 at its Sustainability Forum in Berlin.
DB and Fortescue Partner on Ammonia-Hydrogen Engine and Green Fuel Logistics
Deutsche Bahn and FFI have signed a declaration of intent to work together on an emission-free ammonia-hydrogen engine.
KfW IPEX-Bank Finances Another Eight Green Locomotives for RIVE
KfW IPEX-Bank and Siemens Financial Services support transport transformation in Germany with another eight “green” locomotives for RIVE.
80 Percent Green Electricity by 2030 Says Deutsche Bahn
Germany's national rail operator, Deutsche Bahn, which is already the country's largest consumer of green electricity, has announced that 80…
Italian State Railways to Create Zero-Impact Stations
Italian State Railways Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. has announced its objective to create zero-impact railway stations with its Gree…
Autonomous Hydrogen Energy System to Power Japan's Musashi-Mizonokuchi Station
Toshiba Corporation has announced that H2One™, the company’s autonomous hydrogen energy system, is now in operation at Musashi-Mizonokuchi R…
World's First Crowdfunded Train Now Running
Just over a year ago we ran a feature about a start-up company, Locomore, who wanted to get a crowdfunded train up and running between Berli…