Ready for Something New? Schlatter Set to Launch New Service Portal

The existing eShop for spare parts and the integrated spare parts catalogue has become a very popular tool for Schlatter customers to help them identify, enquire about or order spare parts. Lots of customers have also used our digital solution to optimise their internal settlement processes and make them more efficient.

Other valuable customer benefits include the multiple languages of the site, the 24-hour availability, the increase in equipment availability and productivity, the reduction in downtimes, the direct access to our SAP documents (PDF) and generally more efficient and quicker processing from the initial enquiry to the delivery of the spare parts.

The new Schlatter service portal will offer substantial benefits in terms of user convenience, not least because the new service portal has been optimised for use on smartphones and tablets.

Alongside the classic eShop, new additional services will also be available. For example, you will be able to view all open documents (quotes & invoices) directly via a cockpit function.

Another advantage is that you can see all of your equipment and can jump directly to the right section in the spare parts catalogue via a link.

The launch of the new Schlatter service portal is planned for the end of January 2019. Further development of the portal with additional new functions and customer benefits will follow step by step.


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