Livis has signed an agreement with Keyline, to consolidate its supplier base. Under the deal, the company will now source products and materials through Keyline’s National Rail Office to simplify the supply chain and to ensure health and safety compliance.
Keyline will supply all civil engineering and specialist rail products and materials for platform, trackside and tunnelling projects. Keyline will be operating their Emergency Response Service to provide 24/7 support.
Barry Coulson-Smith from Livis Ltd commented: “This partnership can only help to reinforce the high standards we set as a business and ultimately help enhance the service we provide to our rail customers. Keyline possesses expertise to meet our exact needs by understanding the operational challenges we face. This means they can deliver a product & service that minimises risk and provides us with total peace of mind.”
Richard Wade, Rail Sector Manager at Keyline said: “We are unique in the marketplace with the ability to deliver complete solutions, providing an unrivalled range of civil engineering and specialist rail products and materials. As a result, we are working with an increasing number of MAFA, track work, civil engineering and building, Network Rail and London Underground contractors within the marketplace.”