Mirage is proud to announce the arrival of its induction welding system for rail.
We have developed the process and the mobile induction-welding head to be suitable – initially – for European Norms CEN 56 & 60 rail profiles. Other profiles will follow.
We have been working towards Network Rail product acceptance since InnoTrans 2018. Nearing practical completion, we have now demonstrated the equipment in front of delegates at Rail Live 2019.
Rail Live 2019

The first-ever public live induction-welding demonstrations for rail attracted the attention of Andrew Haines, Network Rail’s CEO, and Stephen Barbour, CEO of the PWI, along with other rail professionals.
They were able to witness for themselves the process of automatic rail alignment and in-track induction welding. The entire welding process, which is both repeatable and safe, takes just six minutes. The demonstration impressed the delegates.
The collaboration between Network Rail & Mirage to develop this system was described as a ‘game changer’ by senior rail professionals. The prototype equipment demonstrated the possibilities for plain line, high-output, underground, maintenance, and S&C in-track CWR welding.
Network Rail Product Acceptance
We are part way through PA, with EMC testing, fatigue testing and operational trials at Grange Sidings left to do. We plan to have a trial PA certificate by September this year for CEN 56 & 60. Full PA will follow in 2020.
Future Sales
Mirage is planning a series of new machines for different applications, such as high-output, maintenance, S&C, underground, static plant welding. Additional rail types will follow. Contact us to discuss your future requirements.
Deployment Vehicles
Currently our prototype is a 20’ ISO-lock container-mounted solution. We are looking to provide RRV and custom delivery solutions with road-rail vehicle manufacturers.
Further information on Mirage’s induction welding system for rail can be found here.