Latest Skytrain News
LA SkyRail Express Partners with Keolis to Deliver High-Capacity Transit System
LA SkyRail Express (LASRE) has partnered with Keolis to deliver a high-capacity SkyRail system between the San Fernando Valley and Westside.
Sydney: New Metro Passes 100km/h Speed Test
The new train for the Sydney Metro, which is due to enter operation in 2019, successfully passed 100km/h during its high-speed testing. The …
Sydney Metro: Skytrain Railway Bridge Wins Prestigious Engineering Award
Engineering News-Record, has bestowed its Global Best Project Award (railway sector) on the Skytrain Railway Bridge, part of the Sydney Metr…
Canada's TransLink Accelerates Delivery of New SkyTrain Cars
TransLink, along with its provincial and federal partners, are accelerating the purchase of 28 additional SkyTrain cars on the Expo and Mill…
Siemens Signs Bangkok Blue Line Extension Contract
The Bangkok Blue Line is being extended by a further 28 kilometers and 19 additional stations. A large part of the extension, from Hua Lamph…
Sydney Metro’s Elevated Skytrain Reaches Milestone
The entire deck of Sydney Metro’s elevated skytrain is now locked in place high in the air between Bella Vista and Rouse Hill, with the last…