Network Rail has won a Green Apple Award for its work protecting biodiversity during the design and construction for a new flyover at Heathrow Junction, as part of the Crossrail project.
The Green Apple Awards are presented annually in recognition of companies, councils and communities carrying out projects that enhance the environment.
The new flyover is a major new piece of infrastructure which will allow the Crossrail and Heathrow Express trains to join the Great Western Mainline towards Paddington without causing disruption to other services.
Aware of the impact this work could have on the biodiversity of the area, the team undertook thorough environmental and tree protection surveys on areas identified for the work and a number of animals and plants were relocated, including 46 slow worms, 30 wild orchids, 593 smooth newts; 599 fish and a metre-long European eel.
The award was presented to Clare Rice, Network Rail construction manager, Dave Jones, designer Jacobs senior ecologist and Elwen Tasker, contractor Carillions environmental manager at the award ceremony held at the National Self Build and Renovation Centre in Swindon on 24 June 2013.
Rob McIntosh, Crossrail Programme Director, Network Rail said: This award really goes to highlight the excellent work being done on the Crossrail programme to ensure that we protect the environments that we are working in. When trains start running in 2018, not only will the passengers be able to use a fantastic new rail service, but we can also be extremely proud of the whole development process, knowing that huge efforts were made to be sustainable and protect the environment they are travelling through.