The Public Transport Authority of Western Australia has announced the preferred respondent to supply the main works for the Forrestfield – Airport Link as a joint venture of Salini Impregilo S.p.A. and NRW Pty Ltd. (SI-NRW JV). The final contract is now in the negotiation stages, and is expected to be signed in May 2016.
The SI-NRW JV was selected from a shortlist of three , the two other companies were Forrestfield Connect (a consortium of ACCIONA Infrastructure, BAM International and Ferrovial Agroman, and JHL JV, comprising John Holland and Leighton Contractors.
Transport Minister Dean Nalder said:
“We envisage the contractor will mobilise on site in the coming months. This is an incredibly exciting time for a project that will change the way the people of Perth, and in particular Perth’s eastern foothills, travel to our city. Planning for this transformational project is well advanced.”
“The State Government has a proud track record of investing in important transport infrastructure projects and I look forward to another eventful year on this landmark project.”