Medium Voltage Switchgear
Up to 36kV normal busbars and up to 24kV double busbars | Shorttime current up to 50kA | Type tested, air insulated and proofed to internal arcing according to IEC 62271-200, DIN EN 60694, PEHLA – instructions No.4 | Metal clad | Subdivided in the couple metal enclosed functional sections with safety pressure relief duct | All switching operations with doors closed.
12 / 24 kV slide-in type switchgear for wall- or free standing as well as duplex assembly.
Low Voltage Switchgear
Design- or rather TTA / Partial TTA tested low voltage switchgear with circuit breaker, MCC, switch-disconnector | Metal clad and compartmentalized up to 1kV | rated current up to 4000A | Shorttime current up to 100 kA | RITTER- low voltage switchgear conform to follow terms DIN EN 60439-1, IEC 60439-1, DIN VDE 0660 part 500 and (NEW) DIN EN 61439-2 (draft), DIN VDE 0660-600-2 (draft) as well as IEC/TR 61461.
Use the form opposite to get in touch with RITTER Starkstromtechnik directly to discuss any requirements you might have.