ISO 5659 Smoke Chamber Test
The ISO 5659 Smoke Chamber is used to measure the smoke production from a specimen is used in the European Rail Industry to test almost all combustible materials.
It is also used by the Marine Industry to test materials that have a large surface area. The assessments are conducted on small specimens having dimensions 75 by 75 millimetres. The specimen preparation ensures that the ignition source is only applied to the surface of the specimen. The specimen is placed onto a platform under the electric heating element, there are four different heating modes that can be used in the test but the test mode would be selected to best replicate the likely end use scenario. The specimen is placed into the chamber and the door shut, ensuring all of the smoke is maintained inside of the chamber.
There is a light beam running from the bottom, through to a detector in the roof of the chamber, as the smoke builds, the amount of light that reaches the detector decreases.
Some specifications require additional toxicity measurements to be made and this can be done during this test. Element can test a selection of gases to consider the threat to life from asphyxiant and irritant gases.