Wash and dry hands at the sink. Up to 39% quieter than its predecessor.[i]
In 1907, paper towels were introduced to washrooms. The electric hand dryer made its first appearance in 1948. But both can be expensive, unhygienic and harmful to the environment. In 2006 Dyson engineers put a century of poor-performing hand-drying methods to rest, with the invention of its AirbladeTM technology.
But even with an efficient hand dryer, water dripping on the washroom floor can be a concern – as users transition from the sink to the hand drying area. And excessive sound from the washroom can also be an issue.
The solution is the new Dyson Airblade Wash+Dry hand dryer. It combines in a single touchless unit a tap and a hand dryer that dries hands in 14 seconds with HEPA-filtered air. The multi- functional design helps to save space in the washroom and reduces the problem of water dripping on the floor as users move from a handwashing area to a separate hand-drying station.
Benefits for Businesses
The new Dyson Airblade Wash+Dry hand dryer costs £34 a year to run. Dyson AirbladeTM hand dryers cost up to 78% less to run than other hand dryers, and up to 98% less than paper towels. And just 3.6g of CO2 is emitted per dry, with Dyson AirbladeTM hand dryers, producing up to 79% less CO2 than paper towels and some other hand dryers.

[ii] Pricing based on 2017 global cost averages. For calculations visit www.dyson.co.uk/calcs
[iii] The environmental impact of electrical appliances and paper towels was measured by Carbon Trust. The calculations were produced using the software Footprint Expert Pro, based on product use over 5 years and using weighted averages of individual countries of use. Dry times for product were evaluated using DTM 769.