Latest Lima Metro News
Peru: Celebrations for Lima Metro’s First TBM Breakthrough
The first tunnel‐boring machine (TBM) to excavate beneath the city of Lima, Peru has completed its initial section of tunnel.
Alstom Ships First Additional Metropolis Train for Lima Metro
Alstom is shipping the first metro for the additional order for Lima Metro Line 1. In 2016, Alstom signed a contract with Graña y Montero Fe…
Siemens to Modernise Lima Metro Line 1
Siemens is to provide the complete traction power supply for the first section of Lima Metro Line 1, which covers around nine kilometres. Th…
Lima Metro Line 1 Orders Alstom Metropolis
Alstom has won a contract worth approximately €200 million with Graña y Montero Ferrovias for 120 Metropolis cars to operate on Lima Metro L…
Siemens to Modernise Lima Metro Line 1
Siemens is to provide the complete traction power supply for the first section of Lima Metro Line 1, which covers around nine kilometres.