Latest Careers in Rail News
Securing Next Generation with Recruitment Showcase at Railtex 2019
Recruitment, training and retention of rail staff will be a key focus of Railtex 2019, it has been announced. The 14th international...
Careers in Rail: Apprenticeships
Careers in Rail: In this article Railway-News presents a round-up of the most important questions for potential apprentices to consider when…
Careers in Rail: Interview with NCHSR CEO Clair Mowbray
We interview Clair Mowbray, CEO of the National College for High Speed Rail (NCHSR), to find out more about what the college offers apprenti…
Careers in Rail: Interview with Learner Jonathan Tranter
Careers in Rail: We spoke to Jonathan Tranter, currently studying at the National College for High Speed Rail, to find out what it's like to…
Careers in Rail: Interview with Learner Megan Foster
We spoke to Megan Foster, currently studying at the National College for High Speed Rail and asked her about her experience so far as an app…