by Railway-News
10 Nov 2020
Real-Time Monitoring
Suppliers 3Squared
3Squared named as joint winners of the Railway Industry Association’s (RIA) SME Growth Award alongside fellow nominee Motion Rail.
The award, sponsored by Classone Systems Limited, was one of eight awards presented during the Rail Industry Supplier Excellence (RISE) Awards which was held virtually for the first time on Wednesday evening (4 November 2020).
The RISE Awards are open to all RIA Members and aim to celebrate their contribution to the UK rail supply sector across a number of areas including: innovation; exports; environment and sustainability; safety and wellbeing; and equality, diversity and inclusion.
In their entry 3Squared, a digital solutions specialist based at Fountain Precinct in Sheffield, illustrated their key achievements from the past year and the significant growth they have experienced.
“We are delighted to be co-winners of the RIA SME Growth Award 2020. This year has seen significant changes for the team and our customers, to be able to show that we are not only existing but thriving at such a time is a testament to our dedicated team and we are extremely proud of what we have achieved.
“Being included in the shortlist for this award alongside such worthy SME’s as Motion Rail, One Big Circle and SEMP was a fantastic achievement but to win, with Motion Rail, we are blown away.”
3Squared supply expert consultancy and digital solutions developed to tackle known and emerging rail system challenges. With a dedicated team committed to using their knowledge and expertise to deliver technological solutions they design tools to support their rail industry customers to increase productivity, mitigate risk and reduce cost.
Find out more and book a demo here.
This article was originally published by 3Squared.
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