Our documentary about the successful customer relationship and the jointly realized project with our customer ViP Verkehrsbetrieb Potsdam GmbH is now online.
Together with the film team of our video partner Video Vision we had the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of Verkehrsbetriebe Potsdam.
The aim of our filming was to document the practical success story of the interaction between the newly developed and also proven HEGENSCHEIDT-MFD wheelset maintenance modules. The following systems were used: TWM – Total Wheelset Management Software as THE central element of modern wheelset maintenance, the Argus overrun measuring system for wheelset diagnosis and the U2000-150 underfloor wheelset lathe. Increasing operational requirements and legal framework conditions demand a reliable and complete monitoring of fleets and efficient maintenance planning. The software and machines developed by HEGENSCHEIDT-MFD support maintenance companies such as ViP Verkehrsbetrieb Potsdam GmbH in keeping a complete overview of data management, maintenance planning and control of all wheelset-related maintenance processes.
Find out more about Verkehrsbetrieb Potsdam GmbH’s successes with NSH Group here.
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