Get introduced to Ansys Motor-CAD – The Integrated Multiphysics Analysis Software for Electric Motor Design
Motor-CAD is the world-leading dedicated electric motor design software for multiphysics simulation of electrical machines across the full torque-speed range. eCon Engineering – official channel partner of Ansys and Moldex3D software – takes a leading role in cooperative engineering, R&D and innovation. With our engineering simulations and automation services topped with world class software products, our customers can save significant money and time on product development, ensuring that they are truly innovated, leaping one step ahead of the competition.
While we provide our CAE and automation services worldwide, we are official disrtibutors of Ansys simulation software and Moldex3D injection molding simulation software specifically in Hungary and the Adria region (Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina).
We are happy to provide you with even more information on engineering simultions and simulation software, related to any industries.