TRAXX Locomotive Fleet in Africa Completes 10 Million In-Service KMs

Bombardier’s fleet of TRAXX locomotives in South Africa, which is operated by Transnet, has completed more than ten million kilometres in service.

Transnet Freight Rail gave Bombardier the contract for 240 electric locomotives in March 2014. Since entering service in December 2017, each locomotive has completed around 1,600 trips of 2,200km and moved ten million tons of freight.

Bombardier TRAXX Africa locomotive for Transnet
Bombardier TRAXX Africa locomotive for Transnet

Transnet ordered the TRAXX Africa locomotives under South Africa’s rail modernisation plan. By incorporating local manufacturing (more than 60 percent), the contract also came under the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) programme.

Makgola Makololo, Managing Director South Africa, Bombardier Transportation, said:

“This achievement is thanks to the close partnerships between Bombardier, Transnet Freight Rail, Transnet Engineering and more than 200 local suppliers who are supporting us in the delivery of these modern electric locomotives.

“We are proud to see our locomotives forming the backbone of the regional freight movement in South Africa and Bombardier is fully committed to this country through our local manufacturing capability, strong local supply chain and job creation that comes with each TRAXX Africa locomotive manufactured here.”

The TRAXX locomotives carry freight between South Africa’s mines and ports.

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